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Amino acids are molecular structures that are the building blocks of proteins. There are 20 amino acids that combine to make countless proteins and have a pivotal role in skin health.
Detoxification. Often seen as a buzzword in the health and beauty industry - but is it scientifically sound? How does our body really release toxins?
Any foray into clean skin care and better skin health starts with getting more familiar with the ingredients we put on our faces every day. However, what makes an ingredient active or inactive? 
Cleansing is often the first step to our skin care routine. However, cleansing too often, or with the wrong type of cleanser can ultimately damage the skin barrier. So, how often should we cleanse and how do we choose the right cleanser?
Intermittent fasting can have a greater effect on our skin than previously thought. It can trigger a process called autophagy, which is like the clearing of old and damaged cells and proteins to make way for newer, healthier ones.
Our main concern with winter weather is that it robs your skin of much needed moisture - causing extra dryness. Harsh winds combined with central heating and low humidity could leave you wanting to scratch your skin right off to relieve the irritation! 
It’s clear that both nature and nurture play a role in skin appearance as we age. However, outside of melanin production, what other genetic differences contribute to skin aging and resilience to stressors?
Hyperpigmentation is a common skin condition that is classified as patches of darker skin compared to the surrounding skin areausually found on areas of the skin that are commonly exposed to the sun - such as the face, hands and feet.
Microcurrent facials are almost sensationless and involve sending a very low level of electricity through the layers of the epidermis and dermis. This latest beauty trend might seem a little strange but it has actually been around for a while.
With the recent rise in popularity of cosmeceuticals, a lot of attention and value have been placed on highly potent products. As a result, consumers have been encouraged to stock up on these potent (and often pricey) skin care items.

Ceramides are our skin’s built-in moisturizer. To go further, they are fatty acids called lipids that make up the majority of your uppermost skin layer - the epidermis. 

When participants are recruited for clinical dermatology research, the Fitzpatrick Skin Phototype Classification (FSPC) is the most commonly used method to stratify patients and identify differential skin responses.
